Environmental Monitoring Program at the Soria Dam and Reservoir (Gran Canaria, Spain)

Image: Guido.Haeger – Wikimedia

PYG will carry out the review and execution of the Environmental Monitoring Program (PVA) of the maintenance and improvement works of the Soria dam and reservoir, located in Gran Canaria . The project includes several actions, such as the recovery of the bottom spillway, the rehabilitation of galleries, the stabilization of slopes and the waterproofing of the dam wall, among others.

This program will be key to guaranteeing sustainability and minimizing environmental impacts during the execution of the works, which have a 9-month completion period.

The PVA’s tasks include monitoring the significant effects of the project and ensuring that they are in line with the initial forecasts, identifying possible unforeseen impacts and implementing the necessary measures to correct them. It also seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the protective and corrective measures implemented, determining whether they need to be intensified, and to carry out a medium-term monitoring of the environment to analyze the effects generated and the evolution of natural resources.

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